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It's an honor, as well. as a privilege, to have met the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade. Senator the Hon. Kamina Johnson Smith of Jamaica, West Indies. Founder and President of and Garth B. Thompson and Consultant Elissa Marcus

I was a guest there to meet officials concerning my nonprofit organization and to meet and mingle as a way of networking and working by bringing solutions for the benefit of Jamaica. If we can help one Jamaican through our program and projects, I believe it's a pathway leading up to helping others. Over the "COVID-19" period that has been long with setbacks, and now that the epidemic is not So prevalent, we dreamt of picking up where we felt off for good. In the 2024 new year, I hope to unveil some "what" common-sense programs and projects in a charitable way. Furthermore, we can post future information for the present recipients and the next generation. It's a great feeling when you can do all the good you can for the communities faced with less fortunate needs. It's a tune set that works well for all of us to shine. Our purpose on earth is to practice good community deeds that will help one human being after the other until no one is left behind. It can only work when investors see the need and are "willing" to help. For instance, they hear the cry of homelessness, poverty settings, and the youth who depend on us for what can be the best and brightest solutions of all time, and that is our aim. And the meaningful purpose. The organization hopes to serve surrounding communities all who need aid, as our priority is to practice caring for the community. Donors help us to care for the vulnerable.

Founder and President Garth Thompson through and Garth Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade. Senator the Hon. Kamina Johnson Smith of Jamaica, West Indies. Again, it's an honor. Thanks for the moment. And thanks to all those who invited me.

Branch and Headquarter's agenda

programs and projects. The functionality of the operation

  • Charity benefits

  • Development

  • Medical Team

  • Talented Artists

  • Staff

  • Resources

  • Opportunities

We focus on water, education, technology, Business, Energy, Leadership, Work experience, Hospitality, Adult education, computers, talented artists' development, Arts, Sports for causes, culture development workshops, and trade.

Founder and President

Garth Thompson

Alt Founder and President Garth B Thompson
Garth B. Thompson

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade. Senator the Hon. Kamina Johnson Smith of Jamaica, And GCPTALKS and Garth Charity Projects, Inc Founder and President Garth B. Thompson

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Ambulances will serve the community of all ages with awareness of affairs issues. It's a wise approach for the poor community with Serious health risk conditions and other needs.

Patients commuting to the Cornwall Regional Hospital in Montego Bay to receive medical attention where Maroon Town St. James does not have the medical facility to accommodate gravely ill or not, so much, of emergency patients. Maroon Town-is located in the Cockpit Country, which-is part of the parish of St. James in Jamaica. It's about 29 kilometers southwest of Montego Bay, the parish capital. Maroon Town was one of five original Maroon settlements. The ambulance vehicle is badly needed, and we need all nationals born who have migrated to foreign Countries to support the need for an ambulance. To serve the community cause. Ambulance for patients and survivors of disease and illness as to emergency transporting a sick and seriously ill to the Health Centre and MontegoBay and joint parish for patients' immediate medical attention. Therefore, if you're from these areas of St James Jamaica West Indies, you should be proud to know you can be a part of the development.

  • Ambulance for the Maroon Town of St, James in Jamaica W.I.

  • Driver will manage the vehicle daily and making he or she fellow patients' guild line of safety.

Policy will be in place to protect both patients and drivers as the Garth Charity Projects, Inc of the USA and will make the ambulance policy is enforced.

  • Ambulance will use for no other purpose but what it's intended for.

 Health Centre Ambulance Maroon Town St, James Jamaica West Indies
Ambulance for Maroon Town St, James Jamaica West Indies

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District of Maroon Town St, James Jamaica West Indies that the nonprofit of the United States organization established to serve. Besides America.

Maroon Town is located in the Cockpit Country, which is part of the parish of St. James in Jamaica. It's about 29 kilometers southwest of Montego Bay, the parish capital.

Maroon Town was one of five original Maroon settlements. The Maroons were escaped slaves who ran away from their plantations when the British took Jamaica from Spain in 1655. The Spanish called these free slaves "Maroons," a word derived from "Cimarron," which means "fierce" or "unruly". The British removed all the Maroons from Maroon Town after the second Maroon War in the late 1700s. The nearest present-day Maroon settlement is in Accompong, St Elizabeth. The four official Maroon towns still in existence in Jamaica are Accompong Town, Moore Town, Charles Town, and Scott's Hall.

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