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It's Our Humanitarian Cry Movement


The United States is the Country that gives opportunity even to the poor who seeks it. That's what makes America so great. And that's why we are so proud. About the America we love. Our nonprofit is about giving back to society.    

Welcome to Garth Charity Projects, Inc. The

corporation was established in 2014 to conduct noble deeds in the United States of America and on the island of Jamaica, in the West Indies.

The Founder and President of the organization visited his homeland in Jamaica and realized that the health center serving the district of Maroon Town in Saint James, where he was born was in dire need of improvement and repairs.

Being a humanitarian himself, along with his strong will and determination, he took his concerns to the local health authorities. Since then, he has been working diligently, speaking to people at the churches in and around the communities which benefit from the healthcare facility.

Garth Charity Projects has other items on the agenda for the United States of America and Jamaica, for instance:

  • Helping the homeless

  • Feeding the hungry

  • Helping the sick and indigent

  • Helping the youths of the area, guiding them to keep focused on their future as the next generation.

The organization is willing to adopt facilities and communities experiencing difficulties.  It intends to do light duties and become a voice to allow services to be granted to the poor.

Basically, the corporation’s vision is the idea to help the needy thanks to anyone who wishes to come on board and render their assistance in cash or kind.

So, if you would like to join us in our fundraising events, along with volunteering your time in giving back to society the online site location to email your portfolio or apply is  Click to Continue to welcome page

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The Flag of Jamaica  logo
Contact Founder & President, General Secretary for Info

Our Non-Profit Garth Charity Projects, Inc standing up for humanity cries from
   within, the United States and to the branch within, Jamaica and else where.

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