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Writer's picture: Garth ThompsonGarth Thompson


"Each homeless person has our support. The nonprofit organization Garth Charity Projects will receive support from partner organization GCPTALKS, Inc. in addressing homelessness concerns in NYC and the entire state. Donated goods, such as school supplies like backpacks, pens, pencils, books, and more, will benefit those in need, including students returning to school."

Grant funds, if available, will be used to pay for the organization's charitable program, by the nonprofit directly, unless there is a specific need to do so. This will be done more appropriately.

GCPTALKS and Garth Charity Projects will "conduct fundraising to support the organization's charity needs. Donate clothes, food, and hygiene supplies.

Visit Us for more updates.

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Writer's picture: Garth ThompsonGarth Thompson

We will start with random folks by introducing our operational ambitions before inviting them to become sponsors.

As a potential visitor to the GarthCharityProjects, Inc. and the GCPTALKS, Inc. organization, the first thing you should know about the two non-profits is that they're partners. What this means is that they both work as one even if their policies are slightly different they both have the same vision and mission when it comes to working for and with awareness issues affairs as their main purpose. Homelessness, Childhood and adult cancer, Youth gun violence, food pantries, low-income families, fostering sports for a cause, and student scholarships are just a few of the causes we aim to support.

Never before has the organization felt the confidence, to work as hard as possible more than ever to make these promises come to reality for the sake of humanity. Visitors, From this point on once you visit our, "consider yourself a potential contributor to our nonprofit organization.

Should you feel this confident as I have "been over" the many years, please feel free to write to the founder and president and reassure him that you want to become a sponsor of GarthCharity Projects, Inc. Send your sponsorship -approach proposal to We can't wait to hear from you or your team for sponsorship support. Sponsors are one of our hope team to get charity work accomplished.

The feels the same about your sponsorship and both organizations are excited about this idea for potential "sponsorship by visitors. If you, happen to be on this page we are discussing your agreement to sponsor a cause. You can select a program or maybe a project of your interest, to your liking to sponsor.

Will you be able to Sponsor any of our programs or projects below?

Programs sponsorship:

  • Help with funding: a rental facility to conduct meetings to prepare our operational approach, and all staff sessions.

  • Visitors to the GarthCharityprojects website: can you become a sponsor that supports a monthly program workshop, about interviewing and training staff?

  • As a sponsor can you help with funds to rent a business that drives to the community to get their attention as to where we can get potential volunteers and Jr: staff?

  • Sponsors can: be asked to fund an investor meeting with banks, restaurants, supermarkets, and performers willing to support the programs.

  • As a sponsor are you willing to fund, meetings, banks, restaurants, Supermarkets, and talented artists for causes?

Projects sponsorship:

  • Sponsors for concerts are needed can you support us financially?

  • Sponsor an advertisement for both websites GarthCharityProjects and GCPTALKS.

  • Sponsor website project where we want to upgrade the website.

Contact Us:

Sponsors campaign

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Requesting wheelchair donated to the disabled community within America and foreign Countries. To benefit childhood and adult services. And needs.

Information for the benefit of community supplies supporting disability contribution. Read More

America Disability Services


  • Child

  • Children

  • General purposes

  • Adults

Wheelchair for church, post office, Hospital and other communes

  • Other

Foreign Countries' wheelchair Disability needs


  • Student

  • Students

  • School purposes

  • Classroom purposes

  • Students general purpose

Foreign Caribbean Wheelchair Disabled Student's Requesting a wheelchair



There is a need for a wheelchair benefiting a student in St James, Jamaica, West Indies. If you can donate, submit your email to the advocate nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization at email Sponsors are needed to support this emergency request. Hospitals or clinics GCPTALKS is asking for a wheelchair for a student in Jamaica West Indies. Wheelchairs for the hilly terrain locations of the cockpit country. In St, James Jamaica West Indies. Maroon Town is one of the five settlements of St, James. Readers more updates soon

Alt wheelchair  request emergemcy needs
Donate wheelchair for student cause

District of St, James Jamaica West Indies

Dominican Republic




Trinidad and Tobago




Antigua and Barbuda

Saint Lucia

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Puerto Rico

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines



Cayman Islands



British Virgin Islands





America Disabled Students wheelchair request


POSTING your request Article will be presented from Caribbean school leader

Donate a wheelchair to a child or an adult. Charitable Article Emergency need.

Alt Student, a child or an adult
Donate Wheelchair

Soon you will

Learn More

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