
"Donors as a funder it means a lot to our organization causes".

Author Garth B Thompson book signing. www.garthbthompson.com

Visitors , Founder and President Garth Thompson welcome to www.GCPTALKS.ORG

"Donors as a funder it means a lot to our organization causes".
It's Our Humanitarian Cry Movement
It's Our Humanitarian Cry Movement
Senior Fundraising Director
The senior Fundraising Director conducts fundraising and safeguards donations and funds raised, this is a process wherein the senior fundraising director must register and certify the monies.

All funds raised by the fundraising director will be handed over to be managed by the treasurer and Treasurer's deputy. After certifications funds will be disbursed to their perspective safe location for when "they are needed. The senior fundraising director will work with the marketing "fundraising director and the National disaster and wellness fundraising director. All fundraising director must register and certify their fundraising. That is the policy under Garth Charity Projects, Inc.'s bylaws and constitution.
Fundraising Directors and The Treasurer obligations.
The treasurer is the principal operational fund officer, in charge of collecting and safeguarding the nonprofit organization's given and raised funds. He or she must offer an account for "any" funds before and following registration with the founder and president's office. The treasurer is responsible for ensuring that the donation department and fundraising directors understand their fiduciary duty to safeguard monies that are "guaranteed by donation commitments" before providing them to the organization.
The treasurer will be responsible for ensuring policy compliance. According to the Bylaws and Constitution, this is the policy. The Treasurer Deputy will adhere to the policy and perform the essential obligations to "ensure directors follow the treasurer's protocol." The goal of finances is to support programs and projects while meeting the organization's financial obligations.