Shoulder replacement surgery is the procedure performed by a specialist orthopedic surgeon with the assistance of other specialists. This surgery is recommended when the shoulder joint gets damaged so badly that non-surgical methods and even repair surgery cannot fix the condition.
The shoulder joint is one of the most complex and most used joints in our body. Any injury occurring to this joint can make it difficult for the person to perform routine activities. Not only the condition is painful but is also characterized by swelling and inflammation.
Orthopedic implants designed to be used on shoulder joints are placed after removing the damaged part. This post will discuss shoulder replacement surgery in detail.
What is Shoulder Replacement Surgery?
As the name suggests, shoulder replacement surgery is when the damaged shoulder joint is removed and replaced with artificial joints. Artificial shoulder implants are available in different sizes and are chosen depending on the size of the bones being replaced.
The shoulder joint is a type of ball and socket joint and depending on the extent of damage, either only the ball portion or both the parts of the joint can be removed.
Why is It Done?
There are many conditions that can affect the shoulder joint and when it develops into a severe form, joint replacement surgery may be required. Here are some of the causes for which the surgery may be required:
Fractures are common and they can affect any of the bones. Sometimes, the shoulder joint also gets affected. When such fractures cannot be treated with any other methods, replacement surgery may be required.
Rotator Cuff Injury
A group of muscles and tendons present around the shoulder joint is known as the rotator cuff, and many conditions can injure them. A few of the common causes of rotator cuff injury include trauma and overuse of the shoulder joint. Sometimes, damage to the bone and cartilage in the joint may also occur and for which, joint replacement surgery may be required.
The condition where proper blood supply is not there to a bone is known as osteonecrosis. It results in bone collapse. Osteonecrosis can also affect the shoulder joint and for which the joint may require to be replaced.
Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis. This condition is characterized by gradual wear & tear to the cartilage that eventually starts affecting the joint. When the damage is severe, joint replacement surgery may be required.
What Are the Various Joint Replacement Procedures?
Different types of joint replacement procedures are there, and they are chosen based on an individual’s condition:
Total Shoulder Replacement
In the total shoulder joint replacement, both the ball and socket parts are replaced with artificial joints.
Partial Shoulder Replacement
In this surgery, the surgeon only replaces the damaged humeral head (ball) with the artificial part.
Reverse Shoulder Replacement
In this procedure, both parts of the shoulder joint are replaced but the ball is attached to the socket and the socket is attached to the upper arm bone.
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