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Writer's picture: Garth ThompsonGarth Thompson

Updated: Oct 16, 2018

  • Garth Charity Projects, Inc selecting individuals to advocate for the non profit in nations that are friendly to the United States of America. You're invited to be a candidate




Dear Jones Amankwah Boateng, our non Non Profit Garth Charity Project, Inc

Founder and President, Garth Thompson office has received your letter, pertaining Ambassadorship. Its exciting that you want to be an Ambassador advocating for Garth Charity Projects, Inc from within your nation Ghana. We are delighted to have you on board to engage in the assignment duties. We also understand that your stage name is Jones Kelvin as well. And we are pleased to meet you, as well as acknowledge your talent, we wish you well with the entertainment part you play in the Model and Photo shoot industry.

You're an outstanding model on the runway and stage, and one that I know the young people will look up to you for questions and leadership as they too will pursue their escape. This will allow you key points in representing and representation in society great development. You are a promising star that I know shows signs of good- productive - citizen of your nation state, Ghana. We're looking forward to working with you and meeting with-you in the near future.

After reviewing your letter, your photos and having many conversation with you, there is no doubt in my mind, as the Founder and President that you're capable to handle this task. Stage Name Mr. Jones Kelvin with pride I say that Garth Charity Projects, Inc select you to advocate for us. Humanity Cries that is a big part of our movement knowing that Ghana is on board with Us. We do hope you can do your best to work on issues from within your nation Ghana and share these field work on our page daily, weekly and monthly.

And you can present annual events to the global stage on our page. As an Ambassador you must advocate for your community and create your team of , six 6 to eight people who will support your community. Tell us of your needs and how we can be of help. Speak to your local Radio and TV Station as well as news papers about changes that you see and hopes that you have for Ghana communities. Stand up for Ghana surrounding communities. Mr Jones Kelvin, Help make a difference in Ghana and the world? Help to make a great impact for those to follow? The youth in Ghana depend on you for that change.

Dear official Jones Amankwah Boateng I am now presenting the word that you are accepted to carry out your duties thereof, and you should do so, as our Ambassador speaking for Garth Charity Projects, Inc. Advocate for communities needs in Health Care, Youth development, Sports Activities, as well as Humanitarian development. Thus far these are the duties I Garth Thompson here by selecting you to work on for Garth Charity Projects, Inc dynamic effort. This opportunity will allow you to do wonders, towards your community nation of Ghana. Garth Charity Projects, Inc acknowledge, the ideal of you holding a Portfolio towards duties of Community affairs.

Mr Jones Amankwah Boateng, and Stage name entitled Jones Kelvin, we asked that you represent us, towards humanity Cries. And ask that you send to Garth Charity Projects, Inc Updates. You are welcome to visit us in the United States on assignment duties gearing towards ongoing projects and duties that you were selected to complete.

Garth Charity Projects, inc Present its Ambassador of , the International State, of Ghana.

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Garth Thompson
Garth Thompson
Oct 14, 2018



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