Star of Baby is here with a step-by-step guide on how to properly clean your breast pump:
Start by disassembling the breast pump into its various components. This usually involves removing the bottle, breast shield, valve, and membrane.
Rinse all of the pump components that have come into contact with breast milk under running water. Use a soft brush, like a toothbrush, to scrub any milk residue from the components.
Next, wash the components in hot, soapy water. Use a mild dish soap that is free of fragrance and antibacterial agents. Scrub the components with a soft brush and be sure to clean any nooks and crannies where milk residue can hide.
After washing, rinse all of the components thoroughly in hot, running water to remove any soap residue.
Sterilization is an optional step but recommended by many healthcare providers, especially in the first few months after birth. You can use a microwave steam sterilizer, boiling water, or a sterilizing solution recommended by your breast pump manufacturer. If you use boiling water, make sure to boil the components for at least 5 minutes.
After cleaning and sterilizing, air dry all of the components on a clean, dry towel or drying rack. Avoid using a cloth towel to dry, as it can harbor bacteria.
Once the components are dry, reassemble the pump and store it in a clean, dry place until the next use.
It's important to clean your breast pump after every use to prevent the growth of bacteria and ensure that your baby is receiving a healthy milk supply that is safe for him/her. By following these simple steps, you can keep your breast pump clean and in good working order.
Take apart all the parts of your breast pump, including the breast shields, valves, membranes, Uno Online and any other removable components.